Sunday, December 1, 2013

Anticipation on the First Sunday of Advent

This Sunday at Mass really gave me a lot to think about for the First of Sunday Advent.

As I mentioned in my Mass & Life Are Wiggly post, we sit at Mass each Sunday with 4 of my grandchildren.  We usually then go out to lunch together, but with busy lives and so many activities/work/school pulling our families in different directions, it generally means that we only see each other on Sunday.

We usually arrive at church ahead of our grandchildren and save nearly an entire pew for our large family near the back of the sanctuary.  Waiting for them to arrive- the expectation of seeing my Daughter and her family & of hugs and kisses before the Liturgy begins- is a sweet anticipation to be sure.  :)

On this First Sunday of Advent though, my Daughter's van would not start and they did not make it to the service we all usually attend together.

As we sat and waited, Mass began.  Even though I was able to completely focus on the Liturgy since I had few distractions, I realized I was unconsciously listening.   I was participating in the Mass, but was also completely aware of the door to the sanctuary behind me.

I could hear the ushers open it for late-arrivals and my ear was tuned for any familiar whispered voices.

My peripheral vision was acutely aware, scanning for the tiny heads bobbing up the aisle toward me.

Every time I sensed a movement behind me, I turned to see if it was my lovies arriving.

I found myself thinking of the people of the Old Testament.  How they awaited the arrival of the Messiah.  How they were hanging on with trust and hope in God.

Were they going about their days in constant anticipation of the Messiah's arrival?  Did they find themselves semi-distracted with any possibility of fulfillment?

Obviously Mary was very in-tune with the idea that the Messiah could come at any time as she was quick to understand the angel's words and seemed to have no doubts in the notion that prophecies were being accomplished. 

King Herod also believed in the real possibility of a new King coming for the Jews, or why else would he have taken such desperate measures?

Like me in the church, longing for the grandchildren to arrive, it seems the people of Israel were yearning for their Savior to come.

I just wonder at the expectant frame-of-mind the faithful of Israel had, the desiring, the craving, the hope.

God, during my time of waiting, please let me remain faithful in my Hope and faithful in my Trust of You and Your Plan.  Amen.

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