Sunday, August 25, 2013

Lost Near the Jaffa Gate


Luke 13:22-30

22 Then Jesus went through the towns and villages, teaching as he made his way to Jerusalem. 23 Someone asked him, “Lord, are only a few people going to be saved?”
He said to them, 24 “Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to. 25 Once the owner of the house gets up and closes the door, you will stand outside knocking and pleading, ‘Sir, open the door for us.’
“But he will answer, ‘I don’t know you or where you come from.’
26 “Then you will say, ‘We ate and drank with you, and you taught in our streets.’
27 “But he will reply, ‘I don’t know you or where you come from. Away from me, all you evildoers!’
28 “There will be weeping there, and gnashing of teeth, when you see Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, but you yourselves thrown out. 29 People will come from east and west and north and south, and will take their places at the feast in the kingdom of God. 30 Indeed there are those who are last who will be first, and first who will be last.”
This is a scary story.  It's all about doing God's will as opposed to my own, or I may not end up at the banquet in the kingdom of God. 

Narrow Zion Gate - Jerusalem

(This car could barely make the turn to come through this gate and
we saw multiple vehicles going back & forth to make it through.
We actually saw one car smack the wall, back up and keep on going!)

My will = the wide gate
Gods will = the narrow gate

But how do we know who's will we are following?  There don't seem to be any maps or road signs.  At least not that my dense-self has seen.  Doing God's will doesn't mean easy or happy, right?  Then again, if trying to do something seems like swimming upstream constantly, doesn't that seem like it goes against God's will?  Doesn't that seem like a "sign"?  Like, if I am doing God's will, God's way, shouldn't the path be easy and straight?  Nope.

I understand "for many, I tell you, will attempt to enter but will not be strong enough".  That seems to be talking about being strong enough to resist temptation.  Strong enough to do the right thing, strong enough to stand up for what's right, strong enough to say NO to Satan and his ways and the ways of this world.

But "walk the rough road" what does that mean?  What makes this road rough?  Boulders to stumble on?  Twists to confuse us?  Holes to turn our ankles or trip us up?  Hills to climb, steep or slippery accents?  Or is it rough in a metaphysical way?  The path is very straight but narrow with many sinful behaviors and enticing  to knock us off?  High winds to make us unsteady and threaten to blow us off the edge?   

Do worldly treasures and ideas and people constantly push or pull at us to knock us off?

Well my ASA - that's my Anonymous Spiritual Adviser - (Have I ever told you I have a spiritual adviser, only she doesn't know it?  She's one of the most spiritual people I know and she surprises and guides me all the time!)  said it's like perspective in art.  God is our focal point. 

perspective drawing with a focal point
We are suppose to make a direct line to Him, no matter where we start or are.  But we fall, we stray, we get lost.  And by the great mercy of God, He adjusts the path so that it again leads straight to Him. 

She said that although He planned a specific path in the beginning, the path of His will is like a constantly turning compass point.  No matter which way we twist and wiggle and backtrack, it's always going to point a straight line to God.  Staying on that line is His Will.
No matter how many times I stray, no matter how far to the left or right or away from his Will I go, no matter how many times I sin, He has infinite mercy and patience with me and he "redraws" my path to heaven, His will for me.  

Every single time I repent or confess or try again, I get a new, straight-line to God!

How beautiful is that?  : )

I love knowing the God will show me the way to him, no matter how lost I am.  

When we were in Jerusalem, we got lost.  

Plaza outside the Jaffa Gate
The entire tour group had exited out the Jaffa Gate after a full day of events in Old Jerusalem.  It was sunset and Mom and I stood with everyone and marveled at the mix of old and new, the ancient wall of the City of David and the modern highway running beside it.  

Besides that, I realized I was very near the same location as Mitch had years ago!  I remembered his photograph when he was a junior in college (and suppose to be in Egypt, not Israel....but that's another story) and was trying to remember just where he had been.  

Mitch in Jerusalem, 2004
There was a gorgeous sunset which made a perfect backdrop to the beautiful spot.  Mom & and were happily taking photos and enjoying ourselves on the plaza/bridge. 
Jerusalem is a constant mix of ancient & modern
When all of a sudden we realized we were alone!

It's a sickening feeling to look around and know your group is gone and you have no idea which way they went.  We looked around and saw a very glittery and modern-looking shopping mall leading off the plaza - they must have gone in there for more shopping!  
Mamilla Mall in Jerusalem
We took off quickly down the wide, tiled walkway between the very expensive shops.  Everywhere were lights and people and beautiful clothes, jewelry, keepsakes and gifts mixed between outdoor cafe tables and musicians and artistic statues!  It was lovely and such a contrast to the ancient shops we had just come from on the other side of the Jaffa Gate!

Well, no matter how hurriedly we walked, we didn't see a soul we knew.  No one from our group was to be seen in the wide promenade, nor at the cute cafe tables, nor through any of the enticing windows to the very high-end stores we were passing.  
Uh Oh.

I could feel my stomach sinking and my stress rising.  In fact, very quickly I was beginning to panic.  It was getting dark and what if they didn't realize we weren't with the group???

Ah ha - modern technology to the rescue!  I grabbed my phone and began to text Di!

"We are lost!  Where are you guys!?!?!?"

And she texted me right back with a location - they were on the bus parked along a lower street down the stairs from the Jaffa Gate.  I ran ahead to the next break in the stores, ran out onto the wide steps and looked - there were more than a dozen buses parked up and down the street and after a minute I spotted ours about 2 from the end!


Looking off of the Mamilla Mall to the street below - full of tour buses
Mom and I made our way to them as fast as we could and jumped on the bus.  Hillel and Mickey were talking outside the door and Hillel looked at me with that exasperated, you-are-always-last-on-the-bus look.  I smiled and we went to our seats.  What a relief!!  Whew!

What a lesson that was.  Pay attention.  Stay alert.  And when you are lost:  Phone A Friend!

It's a lesson for my spiritual life too:  Stay on track, pray for guidance, and when I feel lost, call someone spiritual and get some advise to help me find my way back to God's path!

Dear Lord, Thank You for placing people in my life that can help guide me to you.  Thank you for the Holy Priests, my holy friends, my holy family members who help me on my path to heaven!  Amen.

2012 Pilgrimage to Israel - Day 8

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Honoring Mary in her Assumption


On our last day in Israel (Day 9), we visited Dormition Abbey.

Basilica of the Dormition, Jerusalem, Israel
This is where Mary fell asleep.

When we entered the upper church, we were in a huge room with 3-4 story ceiling.  The entire church is loaded with symbolism!

Inside the Basilica of the Dormition
Every step I took was over a huge mosaic of the zodiac, which surprised/shocked me at first.  Guess I've been living in the protestant bible belt too long!  LOL!  But that's another story for another time.  The brochure says the floor is designed to show God's love for us.

Mosaic floor in the Basilica's ground floor

The main altar was a dome filled with a gorgeous gold mosaic of the Virgin Mary holding Baby Jesus.

Surrounding the room were 6 smaller altars, each one domed and most dominated by a lovely mosaic.

Each one was just gorgeous!  Think of all the work and love that went into placing each tile to honor our Lord!  It was spectacular!

Several of them also had these beautiful copper plates below them, I wonder if some of them were tabernacles?  Not sure.

Next we proceeded down a circular staircase into the crypt.  We entered another large, circular room with a gazebo-type structure in the middle which held a sarcophagus-looking statue of Mary looking like she was asleep.  It looked like she was lying in state.

The outside of the low wall had a kneeler around it and entire area was surrounded by praying pilgrims.  There were prayer candles and a giant single vase of white lilies.

Mary's hands were folded over her heart and the artist had captured a very restful and peaceful look on her face with the slightest hint of a Mona Lisa smile.

I knelt for a moment and although I don't remember what my prayers were, I hope I said a word of thanksgiving to Our Lady for leading me back to my faith.  Her intercession to me was like a nuclear blast to the luke-warm Catholic I was at the time, and I will always be indebted to her for waking me up and setting my heart on fire for the Lord.

I did light a candle for my own prayer intentions.  I love doing that.  I know it might seem silly to some, but I like doing something tangible and thinking of my prayer rising to heaven with the invisible heat.

As I then wandered around the Crypt, I saw that there were multiple small domed altars surrounding this room also.  Again, they were just beautiful.

I was here that I came across my most favorite artwork of Mary & Elizabeth embracing, which I call the Mystery Painting of Dormition Abbey.

The brochure states "The first two altars on the northern wall have no particular design so far -".   I guess that is a matter of opinion!

I have always had a special love for Mary (but then again, don't we all?).

My first name is Kathleen, which does not have a patron saint at all, so I have always claimed St. Catherine Labouré as my own, who received the Miraculous Medal from Our Lady.  My middle name is Marie, a derivative of Mary.  And to top it all off, as a 5th grader making my Confirmation (don't even get me started about how I don't agree with that young age!), I took the name Bernadette and made her my patron after watching the movie Song of Bernadette.   Additionally, I made my First Holy Communion at St. Mary's Catholic School, another indication in my young mind that I was a special child of Our Lady.  I have never doubted that she was my mother or considered any other possibility other than I had a special connection to her.  To this day I still have the little plastic statue of Our Lacy of Peace which I won in 3rd grade for reciting the Hail Mary for Sister Bernadette beside my bed.

Don't be alarmed at Mary's burnt face, that is just the result of my 12-year-old-self burning incense to honor Mary at my small bedroom altar.  (really just the statue on top of the beautiful, shiny, jet-black Japanese jewelry box with beautiful inlay my parents gave me when I was in 4th grade, which I have passed on to one of my kids).

Mary always stood on top, with a little vase of flowers now and then, and when incense got so popular in the early 70's I did enjoy choosing the various "flavors" and burning it at my little altar.  I obviously didn't have a proper holder, and standing the little stick up in a bottle didn't work since it fell over and burned poor Mary's face.  After that I started buying the cone-shaped kind!  Haha!  She has stood in my bedroom ever since I won her in 3rd grade.

Nowadays my little statue is still in my bedroom, but my little altar has grown just a little from the days of standing on a jewelry box (and looks a bit busy!).  I'm sure Mary is much happier now to be in her rightful place beside her son and not in the center any longer.  You can always count of Mary to humbly stand at any crossroads in your life and point the way to her son.

As I walked around the crypt it didn't really sink in that this was the place that Mary left this Earth. God had to take her, body and soul, as she was the most blessed vessel by which his son had entered into this world.  It would have been disrespectful to allow her boy to be corrupt.  And so she is the first of us to be in heaven as we all will be one day.  She is fully there in every way.  It is a wonderful gift that God allows her to appear and give us messages of hope and love for humankind.  And it is a true miracle that he allowed her to send a sign (wake-up!) directly to me!

I found this beautiful artwork on the internet and thought it was just wonderful and reminded me so much of the Crypt of the Basilica of the Dormition!


Oh Mary, Mother of God, how we honor you today!  How we love you and want to be like you!  Please  continue to pray for us and guide us each and every day!

2012 Pilgrimage to Israel - Day 9